Rising out of the ashes
Just when we think we have things figured out, life has a way of knocking us down.
Getting knocked down can come in so many different ways from a sudden accident, the loss of a loved one, or just seeing ourselves in way that doesn’t make us feel good about who we are any more.
This happened to me recently and I want to share with you how I’m making the climb up out of the cave like the Dark Knight Rises.
Climbing out of the cave like the Dark Knight Rises.
Everyone handles these times differently, some get self-destructive, some tuck it down and try to pretend it isn’t there as they focus on the future. For me personally, I tend to start doubting my life choices, which can lead to depression, lack of motivation, even health problems.
I felt like a failure because it’s taken so much longer to make Mythica than it has in the past. The longer it goes the worse I felt. I’ve been just a few hours of work from finishing my kickstarter so it can launch for a couple of months.
Then I felt imposter syndrome. How can I make posts about how to make art or tell stories or make a comic when I feel like I am not able to do it myself.
I’ve been in the dirt for a while now, but I am getting back up.
Magnus MacDracken rising up in the pages of the indie comic series, Mythica.
I want to share my journey here in the hopes that it may help someone. There are so many artist I look up to who never seem to fail or have problems. I know they must, but it never shows and that sets a distorted reality in my head about what success is.
Over the next few weeks and months I will be rising up out of the ashes of my former self and my limiting beliefs and working on being the best version of myself that I can. Along the way, I will be posting here as well as on my patreon page about the art I am creating and the tactics I am using to get back on my feet again.
In the next post I am going to share with you the very first thing I did that started helping me look up instead of down.